Devlog April 2019
Hello everyone,
welcome back to my game development blog. Today I want to tell you what I did on my game in the month april 2019.
New tool for graphic assets
This month I switched to a new programm for my graphic asset production.
Instead of using “Inkscape” I started to learn and use “Krita“.
Later on I created more graphic assets for level 01.
You can see them in the video below.
New graphics tablet
In addition I purchased a graphics tablet for my computer.
It is the “H640P” 6.3 x 3.9 inch tablet from a chinese brand called “Huion”.
For only 44,98€ you will get a pretty solid beginner tablet.
I am really happy with it and if you are interested, you can find it here on amazon.
For more detailed informations check out the video, enjoy 🙂