My first Devlog March 2019
Hi gals and guys,
today I wan’t to share the progress I’ve made in march 2019. Therefore I now I’m a little bit late writing this devlog, it is already may 2019.
2D-Art content creation:
In march I started to build my first own game assets using the vector-editing-software “Inkscape”. It was pretty awesome to see what kind of art can be achieved with some simple shapes. So far I was pretty happy with the results.
March was also the month of bugfixing. A lot of those nasty litte things sneaked there way into my game, so I had to sit down and fix them all. That was time-consuming and sometimes a little bit boring. In the end it was satisfying to see everything working smooth and well.
Later on I implemented a parallax-effect for level 01, which adds a lot of visual value to the game.
Overall I am still improving on how to make my workflows more effective and get more out of the hours I put into this game.
At the end of this page you can see the devlog-video I have published on Youtube. Literally I’ve done more tweaks and fixes than included in the video, but they where not so entertaining to showcase and talk about.
Online presence:
Since I’ve decieded to build a website with a blog and also get active on Youtube and social media again, a lot of time went into setting up the hosting, website and all the administrative stuff that needs to be done.
It was hard to set it all up in 4 weeks and it took a loot of time away from actually working on the game itself. But it was totally worth it and I am happy that everything turned out well.
So thank you for joining me on my journey. I am looking forward to share more of the game with you next month.
See you there 🙂